Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Summer has come and gone...

The summer of 2006 has come to an end, and it was an awesome one! This year I was lucky enough be able to spend a lot more time at Canoe Cove Christian Camp. A place I truly love, full of amazing campers, staff and volunteers. It's awesome to see so many children, youth, and yes, us older folks to be able to come together and praise God! A place where you can surround yourself with other Christians who you can learn from and where you can escape from the temptations of the outside world.

Canoe Cove Christian Camp
Now that camp is over I've got a LOT of work to do! I have to sort through OVER 2500 camp pictures. And I still have pictures to get from other people! I hadn't realized I had so many, hahah...I have already started with the Grade 6&7 camp. I have the pictures narrowed down, and now have to rename, resize twice, and put up titles and descriptions, as well as code the HTML page. But...before I can do all that I have some "tweaking" I have to do, to the website.

Also, there's a promotional slideshow that has to be done for the entire camp season. Roughly 10 minutes in length including different interviews I had taken with campers from the high school camp. 'My Savior My God' will be the main song for this, may need a 2nd for this length.

Since I don't have enough work to do, I suggested possibly creating a Canoe Cove Christian Camp Calendar! One that we could sell as a fundraiser since the camp can use the money. I've done up a little example to see what it may look like, don't know if I'll share that though.

I'm planning to be baptized at Camp on Sept. 17th, 2006 at the Camp's Closing. It just wouldn't be the same if it were any other place.

March Break Out
You may or may not have heard of this, it's a Day Vacation Bible School we had over March Break in 2006. We had roughly 200 children attend which is an amazing turn out for our first year. Kids had Bible Study, Crafts, Chadder's Theatre, Gym, Snacks, Swimming, Skating, The Amazing Race, Singing, Dancing, and it was just an amazing week!

We had our follow-up party on August 26th. Although the turnout wasn't amazing, it was still nice to see some of the kids that attended that week. Can't wait until March Break Out 2007! We still have a lot of things to plan, but it's going to be awesome! :D

Check us out at Yes, another website I'm working on. A lot of work to be done on this one still.

Sherwood Church of Christ
Yes, the bestest church in the whole entire world! I love Sherwood, and the people there are awesome! I've met so many great people since I started attending last summer. It's a fun church and the children's programs are amazing! It's awesome to see a church so involved with the children and youth! So far my best experience, or time consuming one was the Jerusalem Marketplace we had over 5 weeks. I spent many days in the church panting, preparing, and setting up for this. And we had to set up and take down almost every week! The kids really enjoyed it, and not only that, but the parents were able to participate and I know they enjoyed it as well.

This summer, I took some time off work so I could help out during VBS! We had a pretty good turnout and I supervised the Crafts. What made VBS even more awesome, was the fact we entered a float into the Gold Cup and Saucer Parade! And we won first place for new entry! Our float was simply amazing! It was colorful, loaded with children, youth, and adults, and had live music!!! Hats off to the band for playing for so long, hehehe.

Uh...the church needs a website...we'll work on that sometime :)

My Life in General
Aside from all the volunteer work I do, and love, I can't say I have an overly exciting life. I work for a company called CGI at the Atlantic Technology Centre. I'm an Analyst, and we support various applications for Bell Canada. Something goes wrong we fix it, it's all software though. Can't say I overly like it. I can't be creative and I'm not really helping anyone here. My days there are numbered. I'm also having a mid-mid life crisis, haha. I'd love to go back to school, I just wish I could find the right program for ME! I love children, I like helping people, and I like to be creative. Any suggestions? :)

It's been 7 or 8 months since I've drawn anything...I had a few months where I was drawing portraits, which is nice. Wish I had more time for it, but I don't have the drive for that either. I usually only draw a few times a year. Short little spurts. I felt one coming on recently, but I don't have the time to devote to that sadly.

I've like to be able to play my violin more too! I'd love to be able to play the worship music at church! That would be awesome to be able to play like that. Not only are the songs great, but there's more meaning to it.

Well this is encredibly long, so I think I must click Publish now.


At 8:30 PM, Blogger Matt said...

I agree, we need a website, that's what we need YOU! And I agree, this post was very long. It's a good thing I'm so agreeable...

At 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tyler! I was lazy so i only read the part about Canoe Cove. Yes I think a calendar is a great idea. But only if the cover page is a picture of us Hali-glow-in-the-dark-ians. Because we are the coolest. Obviously. Congratulations on making the choice to get bapitised. Even though we can't be there, we are there in spirit. Give yourself a hug from us.
Have a nice life,

At 6:00 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

Haha, thanks so much for stopping by Tayte! How'd you find it? O_o

Well what I first *envisioned* the cover looking like was basically the dark brown color and then a large logo on it (I guess like the shirts...doh). But then I thought maybe I'd make a border of different camp pictures along the outside to add some more color, etc.

I like the whole "Hali-glow-in-the-dark-ians" :P

At 12:02 PM, Blogger Trooper said...

how'd she find you!? What a question, don't you realise that all of us are connected through intricate and complex ways? Actually she probably just clicked your name when you commented on someone else's blog. :) either way.


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