Friday, September 15, 2006

No More Office Work! Hello School Work! Doh!

I've been attending MCC for almost a week and a half now. It's been going pretty good, but exahusting at the same time. I finished work yesterday, so now that that's done and over with, I'll be able to devote more time to school work (and sleep, hehe). Actually I'll have more time to work on Camp stuff too, haha. I don't think I could have taken another week of going to work for 7am and not getting home until 10:00pm. That just doesn't leave me enough time for the reading, and school work, and reading, and reading, and reading, and...we have to do for MCC.

I think to myself everyday, "What am I doing?" Going to MCC? Leaving a job where I was making some nice $$$. Then I think I should be doing this, and I'll be able to use this to help others at some point and use it in the various things I do now. So many emotions and thoughts, and I not enough time to think it over. But after this weekend, I'll have time, and hopefully I'll see exactly where I'm going. I guess life would be pretty boring if you knew where you were heading at my age. Speaking of age, I found out I'm one of the oldest full-time students at MCC...holy cow that was weird! I'm used to always being the youngest at everything I do! Guess I'm getting old...but not as old as Matt McGonnell (just kidding Super Matt, but I guess it's true...right...) :P

Something to look forward to this Sunday, Camp Closing! Yes, awesome! Camp is amazing, and I'll be happy to be out there and to see so many people again even if it's only for an afternoon/evening. But not just that, I'll be getting Baptised at 5:00pm. And Ben Forman will be doing it! Thanks Ben! I'm so lucky to have so many supportive people from camp, college and church. It means a lot to know that I have so many people to rely on. Oh, and there will be a slideshow shown at camp just before that, which I still have to do...oh man...haha *cries*, well it's going to show what's happened at camp over the 2006 season so hopefully it'll be good...and if it's not you better pretend to love it anyway! But I know it's going to be good because we had an awesome summer, full of amazing campers, staff and volunteers. When you have people like this anything about them will be great!!!

Again, never cease to amaze myself, I've created yet another long boring post. And seeing as it's 12:30am, need to be up at 6:00am, time to get ready for bed! G'night all! And good morning, afternoon, and evening whenever you're reading this...if you're reading this...yes... ... ... period.


At 10:46 AM, Blogger Ben said...

Exciting stuff for sure man. I'm excited about your decision and excited about the work God is using you to do already.

and Matt is pretty old isn't he. More old then pretty though.

At 6:52 PM, Blogger Matt said...

Hey! I could take both you guys down with one arm tied behind my back! Well, as long as I stretched first...cough, wheeze... Francine, bring me my nose hair trimmer!

At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 12:37 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

The big day is here (Atleast when I wake up...but technically it's today).

Hope the water isn't too cold, but it's going to be nice day! :)

At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

congrats tyler, wish i could come up to the camp today to see

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

Thank you! Wish I knew who you were anonymous :P


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