Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring Youth Conference and Some Bad Luck!

Well this weekend we were over at the 2007 Spring Youth Conference at Mount Saint Vincent University. What an awesome time it was. It was my first conference other than EXalt this year. Had the opportunity too meet some more awesome and talented people. Didn't get to talk to as many off-islanders as I would have liked to because I was still meeting some people from PEI! :P

I really enjoyed this age group (Junior to Senior High). I'm used to all the weee little ones but it was great to really get a chance to have some talks with them. A few even kept me up until 3:30am talking Saturday night, but it was great to do that. Talked about all kinds of stuff (the good and the bad).

Anyway, a few hours after I got back from the conference I went over to my friend's house and I was playing outside with the kids, and I was running and I just keeled forward and landed on my shoulder. Knew something was wrong and by the time I made it to the house, the collarbone wasn't together anymore and half looked like it was trying to stick out of my neck. Supposedly there's 4 pieces of my collarbone now...the worst part was when the bone was digging into my nerves...I kept jamming my fingers in there to relief the pressure. Last night I maneuvered it into a pretty good place.

well...seeing as I have too many people talking to me right now, and typing with one hand takes a little more time than with two...that's all for this entry :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I have a Biblical Studies Certificate

Now what? :P

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Canoe Cove Christian Camp

On Monday I went and had my interview for one of the Male Councilor positions for Canoe Cove Christian Camp for this summer. It was weird having an interview again, especially one like this. There were questions I didn't know how to answer, but I tried my best. I've wanted to be a councilor at a camp since I was in junior high and this was the first year where I actually had the opportunity to do something like that.

I just got my phone call from the Chairman of the camp and I didn't get the position. It really sucks but understandable. I know the camp will have some great councilors who have a lot to offer. I really had my heart set on being at the camp this summer though. I feel I have something to offer. The camp means a lot to me even though I've only known it for a short time. I've really enjoyed the time I've spent there and I thought this would be another way I could contribute. Being a councilor would be a great learning experience. I think I have the drive and the passion for it, and I have a genuine love for children. It's never been about the money. But seeing as I'm broke, I do need a *paying* job this summer. I haven't worked since September! And going to school full-time and paying for a car and insurance is a killer. But God willing, I hope be able to help out at the camp one way or another this summer. The only problem is if I find a job for the summer, it would be hard to volunteer for any of the camps. I only hope that the ones that got one of the 5 positions (male and female) feel blessed to have this opportunity.

Well, now I have some more praying to do. I'm going to try and not get too down about it. I mean, the camp is still going to go on, kids and youth are still going to be able to go and learn about God, and there will be awesome councilors who will care for every one of them. And that I am quite thankful for!

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" - Jeremiah 29:11

Saturday, March 24, 2007

March Break is Over

As many of you know, I've been quite busy the last few weeks getting things ready for March Break Out which is a DVBS which we had a Colonel Gray Senior High School this year. It's such an awesome program and I've been so blessed with the opportunity to help organise and participate in it. We (the committee) have been planning this even since the last March Break, and although it was a ton of work, it was well worth it! The children who attended March Break Out really had an awesome time, and the parents really appreciated it too! Between the main program and the preschool program we had ~170 children, slightly lower than last year but still a great turn out!

This year's theme was Avalanche Ranch, 'A wild ride through God's Word!' It was a fun, exciting, and energetic theme which we all enjoyed. On Monday afternoon we went swimming/skating, on Tuesday we had Dare to Share puppets come in and do some shows for the kids, on Wednesday we had Temple Baptist come in from away to put on some songs and dancing, games, and showed the kids how to make their own puppets and do some shows. On Thursday we went swimming/skating again, and on Friday we had a Winter Carnival! We had 4 different bouncy rides which took up almost three quarters of the gym and we had Snow Cones! It was awesome to see (not so much to set up and take down, oh my gosh...) but in the end it was still worth it as the kids had an amazing time Friday afternoon. And what a way to end an awesome week!

I'm sad to see the week come to a close. March Break Out has consumed a lot of my time (almost 70hrs Monday to Friday alone) and I had the pleasure to meet some amazing kids (and leaders too) and I will certainly miss them all! I could quite easily say that it's been the best week of my life! And I thank God for allowing us to have something like this, that all the children could attend, and that they were in a safe and loving environment.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Finally an Update!

Been Busy...

Well that's all I was gonna write, but I guess since I'm back here...

March Break Out is in 3 weeks! Like holy freak'n cow! We had a meeting tonight at 8pm, we finished around 9:45pm and a couple people left...then the rest of us basically started again and went until 11:15pm, hahaha, crap....there's so much to do, and I keep taking on responsibilities and I have so much school work to do.

Oh well, that's life!

See you all in another couple months! :P

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Just thought I'd wish everyone a Merry Christmas now that it is officially Christmas Day!!!

I just finished wrapping all my presents, hahaha. Good to finally get that all done sheesh! Here's a pic of the presents to my family (mom, dad, and 'lil bro):

Of those presents 3(4) are to my parents and the other 7 are my little brothers...I spoiled him for sure! I got him a T-Shirt, 2 movies, and 4 games (3 PS2, 1 GBA)! He'll never guess what presents are the games though, hahaha. And I framed one of the pictures of a 5x7 shot of Mom and Dad's 25th Anniversary I took, and the other big one is a group of family shots I framed as well. I think I spent about 50 bucks on getting pictures developed this week! But I also did their 25th Anniversay photo album up this week (all the pictures I took at their big party). They really liked it.

Here's a family pick I took with everyone infront of the fireplace by our Christmas tree! I'll probably remove those pictures on the wall in the background...

So anyway, time for bed! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope it's everything you hoped it would be! And even if this year isn't quite as special as every other year, I really hope you make the most of it! :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Over the Hill, and Climbing a Mountain!

Yep, I'm officially an old geezer. I'm now the same age as Ben. I turned 22 today (I haven't slept yet, so I'm saying it's still Dec 9th, even though it's not technically...shhh)

Uhm, anyway, it's been a pretty busy day. Coached bowling this morning from 10:30 until 1:00 then was off to the Church from 1:00 to 3:00, then off to visit my grandmother in the hospital until 4:00 (it was her birthday on Thursday). Went home for a bit, and then back out, and got home now. Pretty good day though. Tomorrow we're having a chicken dinner for my birthday, yummie (tomorrow as in the 10th)

At church, we've having a special kind of service I guess. We've had the 'Bethlehem Village' the last couple of weeks at church, and we decorated the front of the church and we're showing everyone what we've been doing. So the kids will sing songs, and some of us have to do some skits (speaking of which...I should memorize my lines...doh). Then I think I have practice for the evening of Dec 17th. Playing my fiddle for church, should be interesting...

On a random note...I NEED winter tires, haha. Anyone who's been in my car knows this. My 2 front tires are completly bald! There's absolutely no grooves at all!

Exams are this week! YEAH! Can't wait, they'll be fun...I think...I just love failing things that are worth lots of marks! I always pretend I'm playing golf when I'm writing a test. Kevin always wants to record me playing 'Christmas in Killarney' for his MCC rendition. Then we're off for like 3 weeks! Nice long break to work on Roman's questions, sweet!!!!