Friday, December 01, 2006

It's now December!

Well I did my 20 minute speech for Oral Communications class on Wednesday morning at 8:00am. I was up until 4:00am that morning working on it...then I had to get up at 6:30am to get ready, rush to college, get a few things printed off, set up my laptop and the projector.

I guess it didn't go too bad. I did it on Cameras, Photoshop, and Photo-Editing. I could have talked solely on Cameras for 20 minutes, but I told people I'd also do it on Photoshop, and ofcourse, I didn't want to let people down :P

It was hard to get it all into 20 minutes, but I was pretty close, went over some, but oh well. As long as it wasn't boring, I don't care.

So after having less than 3hrs of sleep that night...I think I slept for a couple hours on a table in the class room. Yup, the tables in our class room also double as beds. I should bring a pillow from now on...

Now that this is done and over with, I have a ton of other things to do!!!! most of the Old Testament still for this semester, finish my 2500 word English Essay, put together some resource file thingy which I don't know anything about, write a lesson plan and then do it in class in front of everyone (joy), read 150 pages on Christian Education, study for a couple tests all for next week!!!! Like holy cow. Then it's time for exams!

Oh, we went caroling today at some old folk's home. It was a good time. I was suppose to play my violin, but like I had said's not going to sound good if we're not singing in the same key as I'm playing. So we found that out JUST before we were ready to go there. So I carried my violin around with me the whole time we were there...felt like a dummy. Some of people there commented on it too, but I didn't get play it.

Seeing as it's after 12:00am, it's now Decemember! So it's like 9 days until my birthday, can't atleast I'm not as old as that Ben Foreman. He's 22 , and I'm still a young 21. And I won't even get started with Matt :P


At 10:10 PM, Blogger Katherine Karen said...

well alright then, happy Decemember to you; your birthday is in 8 days! I'm excited :D


At 10:33 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

So...I liked your speech! It was sweet. And congratulations YOU FINISHED 2 SAMUEL :P
And as for your birthday... an ice cream cake was it?
well whatever it is it will be awesome like............ME:p

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Robbie Sevilla said...

Let me be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY you 22 year old man! ahahah that means any greeting after this...does not mean a lot because I greeted you the way your speech was excellent

At 11:54 AM, Blogger Ben said...

What? I'm only 18! ... sigh

At 11:28 PM, Blogger James said...

Your over twenty years old. Your old. Youngness will be determined according to what age I am currently.

At 10:41 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

Well consider yourself old now, because you're older than when you posted.

At 7:30 AM, Blogger Matt said...

Hey in Jesus' day 30 was considered young. And since I am only a tad bit older than 30, I still fall into that class. And I would sooner judge my opinion of "young" upon the perfect Son of God than on you bunch of dorks!

P.S. Hey Tyler, wait until you have to preach every week! :D

At 3:06 PM, Blogger Trooper said...

EEEK. Has no one sung you the birthday song yet? Well let me be the first:
Happy Birthday
Now you're one year older
Happy Birthday
Your life still isn't over
Happy Birthday
You have not accomplished much
But you didn't die this year
I guess that's good enough!

At 3:15 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

That song must be a special one...
YAY 22!. (Even though I probably won't say that when I get there) anyhoo, enjoy your new year, one year older!


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