Thursday, April 12, 2007

Canoe Cove Christian Camp

On Monday I went and had my interview for one of the Male Councilor positions for Canoe Cove Christian Camp for this summer. It was weird having an interview again, especially one like this. There were questions I didn't know how to answer, but I tried my best. I've wanted to be a councilor at a camp since I was in junior high and this was the first year where I actually had the opportunity to do something like that.

I just got my phone call from the Chairman of the camp and I didn't get the position. It really sucks but understandable. I know the camp will have some great councilors who have a lot to offer. I really had my heart set on being at the camp this summer though. I feel I have something to offer. The camp means a lot to me even though I've only known it for a short time. I've really enjoyed the time I've spent there and I thought this would be another way I could contribute. Being a councilor would be a great learning experience. I think I have the drive and the passion for it, and I have a genuine love for children. It's never been about the money. But seeing as I'm broke, I do need a *paying* job this summer. I haven't worked since September! And going to school full-time and paying for a car and insurance is a killer. But God willing, I hope be able to help out at the camp one way or another this summer. The only problem is if I find a job for the summer, it would be hard to volunteer for any of the camps. I only hope that the ones that got one of the 5 positions (male and female) feel blessed to have this opportunity.

Well, now I have some more praying to do. I'm going to try and not get too down about it. I mean, the camp is still going to go on, kids and youth are still going to be able to go and learn about God, and there will be awesome councilors who will care for every one of them. And that I am quite thankful for!

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" - Jeremiah 29:11


At 10:15 PM, Blogger Harley McCarville said...

That sucks Tyler ... I think you would be great out there. But don't hang your head ... you're a good guy who does a huge amount of work with the youth. People see your passion for God and your devotion to his ministry. Keep you head up and your faith high ... He'll take care of you!

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Francine said...

Keep on praying about it. You are doing the right thing by praying about it. God's big enough to get you out there if those are the plans he has for you. You can trust Him!

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Katherine Karen said...

You're a good sport Tyler.
God's definitely keeping you on His team.
Maybe if you come to MCC for a 2nd year, you'll have a greater opportunity to work at Canoe Cove...only God knows.
Praying for you lots!!!

At 9:27 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

Tyler, God has truly blessed you. And you can do so much for the camp! Praying is a great thing to do. I as well hope that the others are blessed too, because it is just such a..blessing to get it.
I also think that you would be excellent at the camp. You have great patience with the kids :P and you have such an awesome attitude and Love for it in your heart.
p.s. yes katherine...MCC is the only way :P

At 4:19 PM, Blogger Darrell said...

Sorry to hear about that Tyler. I pray that you will get a job. Not sure what your plans are for next semester, but I know there are great things in store for you.
Stay enthusiastic. Its an admirable trait.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

God does have plans for you. Maybe not the same ones that you have for you. sometimes life can be dissapointing. Keep on praying.

At 4:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.


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