Thursday, February 22, 2007

Finally an Update!

Been Busy...

Well that's all I was gonna write, but I guess since I'm back here...

March Break Out is in 3 weeks! Like holy freak'n cow! We had a meeting tonight at 8pm, we finished around 9:45pm and a couple people left...then the rest of us basically started again and went until 11:15pm, hahaha, crap....there's so much to do, and I keep taking on responsibilities and I have so much school work to do.

Oh well, that's life!

See you all in another couple months! :P


At 12:17 AM, Blogger Darrell said...

lol... Good post Tyler! I really wish that I had the oppurtunity to be part of this March Break out, I can tell you have contributed lots to its success. I will pray about it for you. God has big plans for you Mahalalel and they far excede your nickname.

At 2:18 PM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

nice post!
Enjoy the all the MBO work. Will be here soon.. .
p.s. i think darrell is hinting something about his sudden urge to help out.

At 12:11 AM, Blogger Darrell said...

no hintage on the helping out... I would be honored to, but I have a job interview. But its still in my prayers, because something this big is awesome to see happening.
God Bless man!

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

Well I didn't know if you wanted to or not and I was gonna ask you today but didn't get to it.

It is awesome though! The best thing IMO is to see all these different churches come together, Church of Christ, Baptist, Pentacostal, Presbyterian, etc...all for the same common goal and in unity! :)

At 12:39 AM, Blogger Katherine Karen said...

Tyler, you never seize to amaze me. And I'm pretty sure once they master the clone machine, you'll be the first to put it to good use!

At 10:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

clone tyler? I thought one was enough?...I mean really though, who would want more of anyone? Everyone has their own place in life, and if there was more of us, that would disrupt the flow of God's plan.


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