Sunday, September 24, 2006

Youth Group Kick-Off Retreat

Well, on Friday evening the Youth Group from Sherwood Church of Christ went out to Canoe Cove Christian Camp. It was pretty fun! It's always awesome to be out at the camp. We had 20 Junior High and High School students and 6 leaders. The real idea behind the retreat was to get all the kids there to chop Ben's wood. Ok maybe not...but we did cut some :P

We hung out for a little while, played some frizbee, then we split the kids up into three groups, and gave them a list of words they had to use to make up a short skit. I recorded them on video and then we all watched the crazy and a sort of lame videos they made, haha. Then we all went and ate pizza! Pizza is yummy...and it was Greco! We played some Nine Squares, even in the dark with a basketball with a light inside! We watched a video (some comedian...dunno who). After that, Ben and some other people went to build a fire, so I played the Camp Slideshow, and we went through some other pictures and videos from this year's camp season. When it was ready, we all went to the fire. It was good, Fire=Heat...Heat I wish I had at night while trying to sleep and in the morning while trying not to freeze to death!

See, the girls got to sleep in the Dining Hall, while the guys slept in the Boy's L Cabin. The Boy's L Cabin has no heat. The Dining Hall has heat. Before I went to sleep I said a little prayer, because I did not want to freeze to death. In fact, I'm quite sure it was snowing inside of the cabin. Maybe not...maybe I was imagining things while my brain was getting frost-bite.

All the kids were gone by around 10:30 am Saturday morning, so I hopped in my car with a couple people and went to VBS at church. Yes my work is never finished, hehe, joking :P I didn't do to much though...I was just there for moral support...and because I like to beat up kids. What can I say? The younger they are the easier it is. No I'm just kidding...I didn't say a prayer about not freezing to death.

Maybe I'll put up the videos from the skits...I'll have to think about it. But that frost-bite is making that hard.


At 10:11 PM, Blogger Robbie Sevilla said...


At 4:37 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

yes, you do like to write. And beat up kids. Sweet, I should get boss to hire you to beat up annyoing bratty kids who come into my work.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Trooper said...

let me help you make up your mind: PUT THEM ON :) you=awesome.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger Samara Ashley said...

That's funny, BUT YOU should have dressed up as a girl, and went into the dining hall . . Glad you had fun!

At 12:58 AM, Blogger Tyler said...

Shhhhh Samara. I'm saving that for next year...

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Lisa said...

HOw did you do on the memorization test anyway

At 9:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

update child!

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Tyler said...

When did I say that Shannon? O_o

And who called me "child"? Rofl...


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