Thursday, October 19, 2006

Running on Empty...

Well here we are, Thursday, October 19th...or just about the end of it. I'm so freak'n tired it's not funny...and not just physically, but I'm mentally exahusted. EXalt is tomorrow...that's right, it hasn't even started yet! I pray the Lord is with us this weekend. That he gives us the strength to keep going, that he uses our willing bodies as he sees fit, that he opens the ears and the hearts or those who attend this weekend, and that he helps us understand...that this weekend, isn't just about having fun, or hitting the right note, but that we all come together, worship, pray and rejoice for our Lord and Savior. For He is everything and we'll never know or understand everything He's done for us, but He'll always be there, with open arms, waiting for you to accept him and take him in.

I seriously hope that we (the worship team) can come together and give the best we can give this weekend. That we can feed off the energy of the youth, because we've practiced so much the last 2 weeks...we've given it our all, and I'm so proud of everyone. This is new to a lot of us, and it's tough...but we never gave up. We're not just doing this for the Youth, we're just not doing this for ourselves, but we're doing it for God.

Well that's all I got to say right now...don't know how that all sounds, but I'm tiiiired. G'night all.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving All!

Well, it was nice to have a day off from school today. I slept in...sleep is good. This was the first time I slept in since... ... ...well I can't tell you that one.

I read Judges today, and I'll probably read Ruth later. I also started memorizing Matthew 6 for our next test (November 2nd). This one is 780 words, which is almost 300 less than the last one. That's good :)

Life is crazy, I have something EVERY evening right up until the 25th of this month. It's hard to find time for things now a days, but at the same time I guess that's good...somehow.

I got an e-mail the other day asking if I could do a slideshow for someone for $$$. I'd like to be able to do it...I don't know how I'd feel about doing it for money though...but the thing I have time!?! Not really...I also have to do some fliers, and tickets up for a Benefit for someone. Then I'll have to make up some sheets for the silent auction. Mom wants me to get some pictures printed and framed and put them in for that. For whatever reason, I've had people ask to buy some pictures I've taken (sunset and nature pictures).

EXalt is comming up really soon! I'm going to have so much practicing to do for this!!! Eek, kind'a scary. Can't say I'm really comfortable playing with a group of people infront of people with my ability level...but I'll give it a shot, hopefully it'll be ok...

That's it for now...been awhile since I've written anything, time to get back to Matthew 6...oh joy.