Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!

Just thought I'd wish everyone a Merry Christmas now that it is officially Christmas Day!!!

I just finished wrapping all my presents, hahaha. Good to finally get that all done sheesh! Here's a pic of the presents to my family (mom, dad, and 'lil bro):

Of those presents 3(4) are to my parents and the other 7 are my little brothers...I spoiled him for sure! I got him a T-Shirt, 2 movies, and 4 games (3 PS2, 1 GBA)! He'll never guess what presents are the games though, hahaha. And I framed one of the pictures of a 5x7 shot of Mom and Dad's 25th Anniversary I took, and the other big one is a group of family shots I framed as well. I think I spent about 50 bucks on getting pictures developed this week! But I also did their 25th Anniversay photo album up this week (all the pictures I took at their big party). They really liked it.

Here's a family pick I took with everyone infront of the fireplace by our Christmas tree! I'll probably remove those pictures on the wall in the background...

So anyway, time for bed! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope it's everything you hoped it would be! And even if this year isn't quite as special as every other year, I really hope you make the most of it! :)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Over the Hill, and Climbing a Mountain!

Yep, I'm officially an old geezer. I'm now the same age as Ben. I turned 22 today (I haven't slept yet, so I'm saying it's still Dec 9th, even though it's not technically...shhh)

Uhm, anyway, it's been a pretty busy day. Coached bowling this morning from 10:30 until 1:00 then was off to the Church from 1:00 to 3:00, then off to visit my grandmother in the hospital until 4:00 (it was her birthday on Thursday). Went home for a bit, and then back out, and got home now. Pretty good day though. Tomorrow we're having a chicken dinner for my birthday, yummie (tomorrow as in the 10th)

At church, we've having a special kind of service I guess. We've had the 'Bethlehem Village' the last couple of weeks at church, and we decorated the front of the church and we're showing everyone what we've been doing. So the kids will sing songs, and some of us have to do some skits (speaking of which...I should memorize my lines...doh). Then I think I have practice for the evening of Dec 17th. Playing my fiddle for church, should be interesting...

On a random note...I NEED winter tires, haha. Anyone who's been in my car knows this. My 2 front tires are completly bald! There's absolutely no grooves at all!

Exams are this week! YEAH! Can't wait, they'll be fun...I think...I just love failing things that are worth lots of marks! I always pretend I'm playing golf when I'm writing a test. Kevin always wants to record me playing 'Christmas in Killarney' for his MCC rendition. Then we're off for like 3 weeks! Nice long break to work on Roman's questions, sweet!!!!

Friday, December 01, 2006

It's now December!

Well I did my 20 minute speech for Oral Communications class on Wednesday morning at 8:00am. I was up until 4:00am that morning working on it...then I had to get up at 6:30am to get ready, rush to college, get a few things printed off, set up my laptop and the projector.

I guess it didn't go too bad. I did it on Cameras, Photoshop, and Photo-Editing. I could have talked solely on Cameras for 20 minutes, but I told people I'd also do it on Photoshop, and ofcourse, I didn't want to let people down :P

It was hard to get it all into 20 minutes, but I was pretty close, went over some, but oh well. As long as it wasn't boring, I don't care.

So after having less than 3hrs of sleep that night...I think I slept for a couple hours on a table in the class room. Yup, the tables in our class room also double as beds. I should bring a pillow from now on...

Now that this is done and over with, I have a ton of other things to do!!!! most of the Old Testament still for this semester, finish my 2500 word English Essay, put together some resource file thingy which I don't know anything about, write a lesson plan and then do it in class in front of everyone (joy), read 150 pages on Christian Education, study for a couple tests all for next week!!!! Like holy cow. Then it's time for exams!

Oh, we went caroling today at some old folk's home. It was a good time. I was suppose to play my violin, but like I had said's not going to sound good if we're not singing in the same key as I'm playing. So we found that out JUST before we were ready to go there. So I carried my violin around with me the whole time we were there...felt like a dummy. Some of people there commented on it too, but I didn't get play it.

Seeing as it's after 12:00am, it's now Decemember! So it's like 9 days until my birthday, can't atleast I'm not as old as that Ben Foreman. He's 22 , and I'm still a young 21. And I won't even get started with Matt :P