Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring Youth Conference and Some Bad Luck!

Well this weekend we were over at the 2007 Spring Youth Conference at Mount Saint Vincent University. What an awesome time it was. It was my first conference other than EXalt this year. Had the opportunity too meet some more awesome and talented people. Didn't get to talk to as many off-islanders as I would have liked to because I was still meeting some people from PEI! :P

I really enjoyed this age group (Junior to Senior High). I'm used to all the weee little ones but it was great to really get a chance to have some talks with them. A few even kept me up until 3:30am talking Saturday night, but it was great to do that. Talked about all kinds of stuff (the good and the bad).

Anyway, a few hours after I got back from the conference I went over to my friend's house and I was playing outside with the kids, and I was running and I just keeled forward and landed on my shoulder. Knew something was wrong and by the time I made it to the house, the collarbone wasn't together anymore and half looked like it was trying to stick out of my neck. Supposedly there's 4 pieces of my collarbone now...the worst part was when the bone was digging into my nerves...I kept jamming my fingers in there to relief the pressure. Last night I maneuvered it into a pretty good place.

well...seeing as I have too many people talking to me right now, and typing with one hand takes a little more time than with two...that's all for this entry :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I have a Biblical Studies Certificate

Now what? :P